
Saturday, March 5, 2011

23 Weeks

So I currently have the stomach flu, or what has been posted at work as the rotavirus. We have decided to name the baby Camden Micheal. I'd seen the name in High School, yay for class mates (college/CBC). And I'd heard it again recently. We were going to name him Noah originally if it was a boy but my co-worker is using that name.

So at my last Dr appointment they asked me if I felt at least 10 movements a day and honestly I hadn't been counting them but I knew I felt him frequently.

He is getting bigger and stronger. Last night I was watching "due date" with the hubby and he was giving some strong kicks, strong enough to move my hand. I got to feel two and he did one for Dustin. Dustin maintains the kick that he felt when he was playing with my belly and poking my belly button, probably annoying the baby, was the strongest he has felt.

The nursery is coming along. The walls are painted a gorgeous green, the crib is up, minus the bedding and mattress, the hubby is working on fixing and re-doing a dresser and I am currently searching for a changing table.

I have to say my least favorite thing about being pregnant is find clothes that fit. Dresses look like moo-moo's, and I can never seem to find my size. I'm trying to find a reasonably priced dress for the eod memorial ball and my baby shower in WA.

I have to say I have some pretty amazing people in my life that are willing to help pay for us, the hubby, baby and I to travel to WA AND throw us a baby shower. I am blessed, and very very appreciative of the wonderful people in my life.

Well this is me rambling. I hope all is well with those who read my blog. :)

what we made for the baby shower. :)

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