
Sunday, September 5, 2010

Ramblings of someone who can't sleep due to meds

So much has changed since the last time I blogged, we bought a house, family has came to visit, trips to orlando, and we celebrated our one year anniversary. I have been horriable with keeping up with my blog, but am going to make an effort to try to do this on a semi regular basis. I wish there was an app so I could update it from my phone, like my facebook. Life has been changing and going by to fast. Between work, family visiting, and all the regular life events I don't have a lot of computer time. I'm hoping to have some time next weekend to update my blog, we shall see. I'm not even sure if anyone really cares about what I put up.

I currently can't sleep because I have cough syrup that I am taking. It's supposed to make me drowsy...and that is a big negative. I'm tired but no sleep. So once it wears off I may get some sleep. Why did I take it if I know it makes it so I can't sleep? Or why not take it during the day? Well the cough syrup is a narcotic so I can't take it and drive anywhere, not to mention that there is the rare chance that it may actually work the way it's supposed to. I am odd dayquil, children's non-drowsy tylenol makes me drowsy while the stuff that is supposed to make me tired turns me into a zombie, wishing I could sleep. If I don't take the syrup I cough a ton all night, and then all day.

So I'm going to hit the hay. Hope to be blogging in a weekish.


  1. Carrie, I care about what's going on!!! I love reading peoples blogs. I'm so bad about blogging, too, so I know where you are coming from. Anyways..I hate being sick, and I hate it when meds don't work the way they're supposed to.
    I hope you can kick this cold in the trash! Feel better soon!!!

  2. I feel a lot better. I got put on antibotics. The doctor made sure not to give me anything that would do anything if I were to get pregnant. I quit taking the cough syrup because i'm not supposed to drive after taking it and it's supposed to make me sleepy. Instead it keeps me away, it gets rid of the cough, but I can't sleep. I'm going to try to blog more. :)

  3. I care about what is going on too! I try to check regularly to see if you've made a post :)

    I'm sorry you were feeling sick and that the medicine isn't working like it should :( I hope you get some sleep!
